Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Roll a Reindeer

Roll a Reindeer game

Students have a new favorite game in speech ~ Roll a Reindeer!
Students take turns rolling a die to start building their reindeer.  Follow the chart below to know which part to draw on the paper.  The first person to complete their reindeer wins the game!
This game targets turn-taking skills, following directions, basic concepts
and of course good sportsmanship!

Students have also enjoyed peeking at Santa's reindeer!
We have been watching Santa's reindeer (and sometimes Santa too!) on our reindeer cam!  You can also see them by going to
Santa appears at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to read letters and stories!


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Holiday Bucket List

Our Speech and Language
Holiday Bucket List

Students enjoyed completing our "Fall Bucket List", so I am challenging my students to complete as many items as they can on the "Holiday Bucket List" during the Christmas season!  

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Grinch

Merry Christmas!

Students enjoyed brainstorming ideas of how we can make the Grinch smile!
You can see all of their ideas in the hall outside of the speech room!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Long Legged Turkey

Long Legged Turkey Poem

I'm a long legged turkey,
as worried as can be!
Eat some ____________,
but don't eat me!

Students enjoyed thinking of food items with their target speech sounds 
to add to the poem!  Students can practice again at home by 
saying the phrase "eat some _________, but don't eat me!" 
using their best speech sounds! 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Halloween Haunted Houses

Haunted Houses

Kindergarten and 1st grade students hid speech words inside 
their spooky, scary haunted houses!

Students practiced saying their target sound(s) by finding something 
in a window or the door of their haunted house
and saying, "I see a _________ in my haunted house!"

Ask your child to find their speech words with you!  

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Halloween Jokes

Halloween Jokes

Second and Third graders illustrated halloween jokes this week!

Jokes are a great way to enhance language development.
They target multiple meaning words, associations and rhyming 
to name a few.  You can find our HALLOWEEN JOKES in the hallway
outside of our speech room!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fall Bucket List

Here is our "FALL Bucket List" for Speech and Language!

Bucket List - a list of activities a person tries to complete in a certain amount of time.

I am challenging my students to complete as many items as they can on our list 
during the fall season.  These are fun activities you can complete together as a family!

All of the activities listed on our bucket list will enhance both receptive (understanding of) and expressive (use of) language skills.  These activities target social skills, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension, sequencing, articulation and much more!

While completing an activity on the list, name items and ask questions (who, what where, when, why and how).  Comment on the things your child is doing and saying so they can hear (and learn) the new vocabulary!  If your child is working on specific speech sounds (articulation skills), point out words or items that have your child's target speech sound and practice saying them together!
Some of these activities may be new experiences for your child.  Children are usually curious and excited to try new things!

Make every opportunity a language learning activity!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Speech Frogs

Check out our "Speech Frogs" we made in speech!

Kindergarten students decorated a frog, 
then added words with their target sound to the frog's tongue! 
Ask your child about their speech frog and
practice the speech words at home too! 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Welcome Back!

I am looking forward to a fun and productive year!

During the first week of school, I will be meeting with teachers to set-up our speech and language schedule for the school year.  Your child's speech and language days/time will be sent home in the welcome back letter next week after our first session.

Take-Home Activities
Take-home activities are a fun way to help reinforce speech and language goals at home.  Although they are not a requirement, I highly encourage students to complete these activities.  Carry over is very important for all students to reach their speech and language goals!

1st, 2nd & 3rd graders will receive a speech and language tic-tac-toe game that will be sent home at the beginning of each week starting in October.  

Incentive Program
There is an incentive program in place for students who complete the take-home activities with a parent (listening/learning partner).

I believe communication is very important between parents and teachers, so please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Hudson, Speech Language Pathologist
Lemmer Elementary School

Our Speech and Language Room